Softball NB Men's Orthodox Provincial Tournament

Date: July 3, 2009

The RADBUC softball league will be hosting a men's provincial orthodox tournament for Softball NB, covering categories C, D & E. The tournament will be held at the diamonds of the 4-Ice Centre in Moncton and will take place on the weekend of August 28, 29 & 30th 2009. Pitching will be limited to "figure eight" and "bowling" style only. "Half-whip" style will not be allowed. Registration costs will be $275 per team on top of Softball NB membership fees. Prizes will be awarded based on the number of registrations and the C category finalists will be awarded a spot in the Eastern Canadian Championships in Fredericton, NB. A minimum of 3 games is guaranteed to each team and the deadline for registration payment is Friday, August 14th.

For more information and to register, please contact:
Stéphane Melanson
382-5817 (H), 381-8220 (Cell)

Registration payment must be sent to the following address:
Peter McLean (Softball NB Technical Director)
4242 Water St., Miramichi, NB, E1N 4L2
773-5343 (H), 773-3507 (Cottage)